Tuesday 26 April 2022

Faerie House Kit

 I have put a faerie house kit together for assembly with my grandchildren where they live. I have tried to anticipate what I will need. This is tricky because the way I usually work is a bit hodgepodge; as I make something, I just look around in my eclectic mess of supplies for what might work.  I can't do any more house assembly because I need to know the environment it will go into, most particularly, how the base of the tree -- trunk and roots -- is shaped. 

These parts are just balanced together to give an idea of where this is headed. The stairs might not be needed at all; I can cut off whatever is not needed. I can't finish the roof until I know what shape it will be.


William Morris wall paper


mailbox with some wee letters

Supplies: leaves, sticks, pinecone spikes, shiny things, star fish

Ready to go. I hope the weather is easy to get along with. Spring has given blizzards and other deluges.  I wonder if I should find more sticks?

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Palm Sunday

 I was asked to make a 'Station of the Cross' related to Palm Sunday. I accepted because I could make whatever I chose to do. 

In its fullest extension, this is about  12" High, 30" x 20 " ( 30cm high, 66cm x 50cm) and it is cut out of a book. 

Tuesday 5 April 2022

Katharina #9: She Joins the Red Cross

 When I started the Katharinas in early January, I was thinking about how this quiet, serene photo of a beautiful young woman was taken when difficulty was to be followed by disaster - WWl  and the Russian revolution. In the war years young Mennonite men had done alternate service as medics. The women struggled to keep everything going at home. 

When Katharina was much older -- a grandmother with grown-up grandchildren -- she knit long, long bandages. I imagine her envisioning the needs of the medics of her youth. 

With Katharina #9, I have reimagined Katharina as a Red Cross worker, helping in a way that was not open to her in her lifetime. 

My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. 


A little review of the other Katharinas:

Monday 4 April 2022

Ramadan Calendar

 I made this for some young Muslims who are dear to me. It is like an advent calendar: each day the children can cut off the envelope for the day. There is a wee treat and a little nugget of learning in each one. 

As the envelopes are removed, the moon will become more visible.