Tuesday 14 February 2023

A Faerie House Story: Here Comes Valentine's Day


Winter settled in after Christmas.

Hedgehog and T2 sat together and started reading their books. Frog ate the fly in one gulp. T1 made good progress learning how to knit.

Eventually the season caught up with them: turtles, frogs and hedgehogs hibernate in winter. They put aside their books and knitting. Each of them found a place that was just right, and went into a deep sleep.

The only friend left awake, except for a snooze here and there, was Dog. Walking everyday and shovelling snow became regular activities, along with keeping the house running smoothly, but it was lonely. 


The thing was, Dog had a lot of time to fill. There were many interesting things to look up on the internet, like "Where is the best place to plant carrots?" and "How do you attract butterflies?"

Dog started watching travel videos and got interested in Egypt. Then Dog did something Dog had never done before. Dog looked at things to buy online. Dog found lovely things.

"These sculptures will be very interesting additions to our yard! The others will be so surprised!" thought Dog.

Dog clicked "Add to cart." Twice.


The day came when two large boxes arrived, labelled:

Faerie House
Omi's yard


Dog struggled to get them inside. The boxes were bigger than Dog.

"What was it that I ordered?" Dog wondered. "It is very exciting all the same!"


Dog got the lid open on the first box.

"Ooooohhhhh yes. Now I remember," Dog said, peeking over the top of the box." This is Tutankhamen." 


Working doggedly, (get it?)  Dog got the sculpture out of the box.

"Well, look at that!"

Dog was impressed.


There was, of course, another box to be opened.

Dog jumped up to peer inside, "Nefertiti!"

Dog hurried to get Nefertiti out of the box.


Dog sat back in awe.


Dog cleared away the boxes. Sitting in between Tutankhamen and Nefertiti was almost like having company.

Dog moved them around the room, telling them quietly about the friends, where they were at the moment and how they would be so delighted to all meet in the spring.


"In the meantime," said Dog, " we three can hang out here together. I'd love to learn more about you."


The next day there was another parcel delivered. It was a smaller box.

"Thank heavens for that," thought Dog.


Dog knew what this one was. Dog ordered some crafting supplies to make valentines.

"This will do nicely," Dog said, after unpacking the box.


Dog set to work. Dog always liked making things.

Dog chatted to Nefertiti and Tutankhamen, snipping and glueing the whole time.


"These will be for my good friends," Dog said, trying to remember that Nefertiti and Tutankhamen were statues and not going to be offended by being left out.


Dog was ready to make deliveries.


While Dog was making valentines, the faeries were working some magic of their own.


Dog brought Nefertiti and Tutankhamen out to see what the faeries had made. Well, Dog dragged and shoved and pulled and strained to bring them out. 

When Dog paused to look at Nefertiti and Tutankhamen, the faeries had clearly left their mark. Nefertiti and Tutankhamen were decorated and ready to celebrate Valentine's day too.


As always, for you, with love.

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