Sunday 9 April 2023

Happy Easter from the Faerie House

Dog and Hedgehog had enjoyed a lovely few weeks in each other's company. Dog had moved Nefertiti and Tutankhamen outside. The friends needed the room inside now, and quite frankly, Hedgehog was a bit unnerved by the large statues.

The temperatures in Edmonton had been above 0 for quite a few days. On a recent day, while Dog and Hedgehog were discussing Easter, they heard a rustling sound from the corner. Soon after, T1 came up through the dirt floor. 

"Hello, hello!" Dog and Hedgehog chimed.

Now 2 friends were 3 friends.

Ever the carer, Dog asked, "Are you hungry, T1?"

Not everyone leads with the stomach, but that is Dog's way. 

Dog put together a quick salad because turtles like green food. By now Dog had talked so much to Hedgehog that Dog could be a little more restrained with the very quiet and shy, not to mention groggy, T1. 

The next day Hedgehog was the first to see Frog emerging from under a wool blanket.

"It's so nice to see all of you here," said Frog, looking around, "only T2 is missing."

Now 3 friends were 4 friends.

"I have a dried fly for you Frog, if you would like," offered Dog. "It isn't great, but I didn't know when you would be coming back."

They settled in together. Dog told a shorter story about being alone for a few months, and very quietly said, "There are some new statues in the yard that I hope you will like."

With that, they decided to go outside and have a look.

In the meantime, T2 had returned and was basking in the sun in front of the faerie house.

Dog went out first. Dog looked over at Nefertiti and wondered what Frog would think.

It was Hedgehog who saw T2.

"T2!" exclaimed Hedgehog. "When did you get here?"

"Oh, just a short time ago," said T2. "The sun felt so warm that I started to feel everything stirring. I crawled out from under the leaves to see the world." 

Now 4 friends were 5 friends. They were happy to be reunited.

They all enjoyed the sunshine and each other's company. The little things that rub were forgotten. They looked around the faerie house yard, remembering the fun times. 

"Did something shift out there?" Frog asked. "It suddenly seems greener to me."

"The moss does seem brighter," Hedgehog observed.

"There are some green leaves that weren't here before," Dog added, "and I can smell thyme."

"It's the faeries," said T1 quietly. "They know we are all back together again and they are happy too."

T2 said, "I see Easter eggs!"

Can you find 6 eggs?

"LOOK AT NEFERTITI !" exclaimed T1. "She has bunny ears and what lovely sparkle!"

"You too!" said Hedgehog. "But it seems sparkle is reserved for the Egyptian princess."

"Whoa! Look at YOU, Hedgehog!" said T1. "Bunny ears suit you!"

"Frog too!" said Dog.

In an instant Dog and T2 also had bunny ears. How did that happen? Sometimes life feels enchanted. 

"Hey, it's Easter," said T2. "Instead of hiding treats (do we have treats?), let's hide ourselves."

"Who will find us?" the others asked.

"Those people," said T2, pointing at you.

Can you find the 5 friends?

Happy Easter from the faerie house and the friends who live there. 

Life is renewed. 


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