The t-shirts I make for my grandson are a little big and a little long. Soon enough they will be a little small and a little short.
The digger needed some 'dirt'.
The t-shirts I make for my grandson are a little big and a little long. Soon enough they will be a little small and a little short.
The digger needed some 'dirt'.
The doiley box also had one embroidered serviette. I think I recall that there were more of these, but I am not sure. Once again, I thought it would be nice to find a way to repurpose what was high in sentiment, low in potential uses. It took a little fussing to incorporate the embroidery in the right place, but I think it will be a serviceable and pretty face mask. There is a layer of finer gauge poly-cotton between the outer cotton layers.
Earlier this year (it is hard to believe it was actually THIS year) my Mom and I were going through things in her closet and came upon a box of doilies. Neither of us knew what to do with them so we put the box back. A few weeks later I had an idea and made some cards. These were doilies my Mom had made to put on the bread & butter plates.